Portugal Wildlife

Guide to the Flowers of a Wildlife Reserve in Baixo Alentejo

All Photographs were taken on the reserve by the website author or his spouse unless otherwise stated.

Species Notes Photographs Photographs Photographs

Wild Leek

Allium ampeloprasum

Alho-de-verão; Alho-inglês; Chalotas
Peak Flowering Period: April to July



Stem and basal leaves.





Moroccan Garlic

Allium massaessylum

Alho de marrocos
Peak Flowering Period: March to June





Leaves and Stem.


Belladonna Lily

Amaryllis belladonna

Peak Flowering Period: August to October

An exotic species from Southern Africa.

Roundheaded Leek

Allium sphaerocephalon

Alho bravo
Peak Flowering Period: May to July


Scarlet Pimpernel

Anagallis arvensis

Morrião dos campos
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The common Red form of Scarlet Pimpernel.



Red and Blue forms growing side by side.

Blue form.



Rarer Blue form.

Red and blue forms growing together.

Blue form.

Shrubby Pimpernel

Anagallis monelli

Morrião grande
Peak Flowering Period: March to July






Daisy-leaved Toadflax

Anarrhinum bellidifolium

Peak Flowering Period: April to July







Undulate Alkanet

Anchusa undulata

Buglossa ondulada; Língua de vaca ondeada

Peak Flowering Period: February to May




Limestone Lettuce

Andryala integrifolia

Alface dos calcários; Tripa de ovelha
Peak Flowering Period: April to July



The English common name used here is based on one of the many Portuguese common names, Alface dos calcários, which means Limestone Lettuce.

Yellow Anemone

Anemone palmata

Anémona, Flor do vento
Peak Flowering Period: February to May

Basal Leaves.

Mouse Plant

Arisarum simorrhinum

Peak Flowering Period: October to February


Green-flowered Birthwort

Aristolochia paucinervis

Erva bicha
Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Giant Reed

Arundo donax

Invasive Alien. The status of this plant in the reserve is under consideration and the plants may be removed if they are thought to be a threat. Peak Flowering Period: August to October

The Giant reed is an exotic species that has been introduced to Portugal.

Greater Asparagus

Asparagus aphyllus

Espargo bravo
Peak Flowering Period: May to November



Common Asphodel

Asphodelus aestivus

Abrótea de verão
Peak Flowering Period: March to August





Yellow Milk Vetch

Astragalus boeticus

Serradela bética
Peak Flowering Period: January to May


Saltmarsh Aster

Aster squamatus

Mata jornaleiros

Peak Flowering Period: May to December



Invasive Alien.



Slender Oat

Avena barbata

Balanco bravo
Peak Flowering Period: March to June



Lesser Water Plantain

Baldellia repens

Baldélia ranunculada
Peak Flowering Period: March to October



Mediterranean Linseed

Bartsia trixago (Bellardia trixago)

Flor de ouro
Peak Flowering Period: April to June

The flowers can also be yellow.

Mediterranean Linseed is a semi-parasitic plant. It can obtain water nutrients from the roots of other species of plant, especially various grasses. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family.

Mediterranean Linseed

Bartsia trixago (Bellardia trixago)

Flor de ouro
Peak Flowering Period: April to June

The flowers can also be yellow.

Mediterranean Linseed is a semi-parasitic plant. It can obtain water nutrients from the roots of other species of plant, especially various grasses. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family.

Narrow-leaved Biarum

Biarum tenuifolium arundanum

Jarro clandestino
Peak Flowering Period: March to July



Sea Club-Rush

Bolboschoenus maritimus

Junça maritima
Peak Flowering Period: March to September



Field Mustard

Brassica rapa

Peak Flowering Period: January to ?



Large Quaking Grass

Briza maxima

Bole bole maior
Peak Flowering Period: March to June



Barley Brome

Bromus hordeaceus

Bromo cevada
Peak Flowering Period: March to July




Red Bromegrass

Bromus rubens

Bromo avermelhado
Peak Flowering Period: April to May





Bromus tectorum

Peak Flowering Period: March to July



Field Marigold

Calendula arvensis

Erva vaqueira
Peak Flowering Period: November to April

Field Marigold growing on top of Windmill Ruin.





Portuguese Bellflower

Campanula lusitanica

Peak Flowering Period: April to July






Rampion Bellflower

Campanula rapunculus

Campainhas rabanete; Campânula
Peak Flowering Period: April to July







Slender Thistle

Carduus tenuiflorus

Cardo azul
Peak Flowering Period: March to June




Racemose Carline Thistle

Carlina racemosa

Cardo amarelo anual
Peak Flowering Period: June to September





Common Centaury

Centaurium erythraea

Centáurea comum; Fel da terra
Peak Flowering Period: April to August



Mouse-ear Chickweed

Cerastium glomeratum

Orelha de rato
Peak Flowering Period: February to June  


Dusky Dogfennel

Chamaemelum fuscatum

Margaça de inverno
Peak Flowering Period: November to April

Dusky Dogfennel

Chamaemelum fuscatum

Margaça de inverno
Peak Flowering Period: November to April



Moroccan Chamomile

Chamaemelum mixtum

Peak Flowering Period: March to June



Crown Daisy

Chrysanthemum coronarium

Pampilho, Palmequer
Peak Flowering Period: February to May




Common Chicory

Cichorium intybus

Peak Flowering Period: April to August



Nettle-leaved Goosefoot

Chenopodiastrum murale

Pé de ganso
Peak Flowering Period: November to September



Crispus Rockrose

Cistus crispus

Peak Flowering Period: April to June




Gum Cistus

Cistus ladanifer

Peak Flowering Period: March to May



A few Gum Cistus plants on the reserve lack the crimson spots at the base of the petals that the majority of the Gum Cistus flowers have.


A crimson-sptted Gum Cistus growing next to an all white Gum Cistus.



Sage-leaved Cistus

Cistus salviifolius

Saganho mouro
Peak Flowering Period: February to May



Flower buds and flowers.

Corn Marigold

Coleostephus myconis

Olhos de boi




Field Bindweed

Convolvulus arvensis

Corriola campestre
Peak Flowering Period: May to September

Note the Red Velvet Mite on the flower.

This plant, native to Europe and Asia, was introduced to America in around 1739. It has since become a significant alien invasive plant that causes substantial crop losses to farmers there.

Also known as a Morning Glory it is a climbing or creeping herbaceous perennial.

Guernsey Fleabane

Conyza sumatrensis

Avoadinha marfim

Peak Flowering Period: April to November


Introduced Alien Species



Beaked Hawksbeard

Crepis vesicaria


Peak Flowering Period: February to June


Introduced Alien Species



Wild Thistle

Cynara humilis

Alcachofra de São João
Peak Flowering Period: March to August



Dessicated flower head (fallen horizontal).

Developing flower spikes of this thistle species.

Developing flower spikes.



Umbrella Sedge

Cyperus eragrostis

Peak Flowering Period: March to September

An Exotic species originally from the U.S.A. As such we will monitor the plant to ensure it does not become invasive.



Common Galingale

Cyperus longus

Junça de cheiro
Peak Flowering Period: April to August



Yellow Cytinus

Cytinus hypocistis

Peak Flowering Period: February to July

Flax-leaved Daphne

Daphne gnidium

Trovisco; Gorreiro; Lauréola macha
Peak Flowering Period: April to November



Wild Carrot

Daucus carota

Cenoura brava
Peak Flowering Period: May to September

Compound umbel.

Flower spike before flowers have opened.


Brown Bluebell

Dipcadi serotinum

Jacinto da tarde
Peak Flowering Period: February to May





Yellow Fleabane

Dittrichia viscosa

Peak Flowering Period: July to November




Purple Viper's Bugloss

Echium plantagineum

Peak Flowering Period: March to June







Common Spikerush

Eleocharis palustris

Eleocare dos charcos; Junco marreco
Peak Flowering Period: March to August



Greater Willowherb

Epilobium hirsutum

Erva dos estolhos; Epilóbio eriçado
Peak Flowering Period: May to September

Longbeak Stork's-bill

Erodium botrys

Peak Flowering Period: March to May

Showing characteristically lobed, but not pinnately lobed, leaves.

Showing very long fruits - the "Stork's Bills".

Showing flowers and Stork's bill-shaped seed heads.

Common Stork's-bill

Erodium cicutarium

Bico de Cegonha
Peak Flowering Period: February to April

Showing characteristically pinnate leaves.


Iberian Milk Vetch

Erophaca baetica

Alfavaca dos montes
Peak Flowering Period: December to May



Sweet Fennel

Foeniculum vulgare

Peak Flowering Period: March to September



Field Fumitory

Fumaria agraria

Fumária dos campos
Peak Flowering Period: December to June





Purple Milk Thistle

Galactites tomentosus

Peak Flowering Period: March to June




Galium aparine

Amor de hortelão
Peak Flowering Period: February to July



Lesser Gorse

Genista triacanthos

Tojo menor
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The Lesser Gorse (a type of Broom) is Endemic to Iberia and North-West Morocco.

This small shrub is typically found in areas with Cork and Iberian Holm Oaks/Montado.





Cut-leaved Crane's-Bill

Geranium dissectum

Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Finely cut leaves.



Dove's-Foot Cranes-Bill

Geranium molle

Bico de pomba
Peak Flowering Period: January to June



Fruits - "Crane's Bills".

Field Gladiolus

Gladiolus italicus


Peak Flowering Period: March to May




Corn Daisy

Glebionis segetum

Pampilho das searas
Peak Flowering Period: February to June

An exotic species introduced from Eastern Europe.


Barbary Nut

Gynandriris sisyrhynchium

Pé de burro
Peak Flowering Period: February to April

The flowers of the Barbary Nut only open late in the morning/early afternoon.





Spotted Yellow Sun Rose

Halimium halimifolium

Sargaça das areias
Peak Flowering Period: March to July




Scaly Hawkbit

Hedypnois cretica

Alface de Creta


Peak Flowering Period: February to June




Gold Everlasting

Helichrysum stoechas

Perpétuas das areias
Peak Flowering Period: May to September



Red Mites are present non the flower heads.



Common Heliotrope

Heliotropium europaeum

Verrucária; Tornassol com pêlos; Erva das verrugas
Peak Flowering Period: March to October




Mouse Barley

Hordeum murinum

Cevada dos ratos
Peak Flowering Period: March to October



Gecko-Foot Kidney Vetch

Hymenocarpos lotoides

Patinha de osga; Albaida
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The English common name used here is based on the Portuguese common name, Patinha de osga, meaning Gecko-Foot (small gecko foot).



Trailing St John's-Wort

Hypericum humifusum

Erva das mil Folhinhas
Peak Flowering Period: March to September


Flax-leaved St John's-Wort

Hypericum linariifolium

Hipericão estriado; Pelicão
Peak Flowering Period: May to July

The sepals have stalked black glands. Sepals are individual segments of the calyx.






Illecebrum verticillatum

Aranhões; Erva sanguinha
Peak Flowering Period: March to September

Common Morning Glory

Ipomoea indica

Glória da manhã
Peak Flowering Period: February to October

This species is an invasive alien. It will be monitored and, if necessary, erdicated before it can become a pest on the reserve.

Bearded Iris

Iris germanica

Lírio Germânico
Peak Flowering Period: February to April

This is an exotic species that has been introduced in some areas in Portugal.



Sheep's bit scabious

Jasione Montana

Botão azul
Peak Flowering Period: April to July





Sharp-flowered Rush

Juncus acutiflorus

Junco de flor aguda
Peak Flowering Period: May to August



Soft Rush

Juncus effusus

Junco solto
Peak Flowering Period: May to August



Two-leaved Rush

Juncus heterophyllus

Junco de folhas variadas
Peak Flowering Period: April to July



Prickly Lettuce

Lactuca serriola

Alface brava
Peak Flowering Period: May to September

Amazingly this plant, which can grow to 2m tall and has large spines on its leaf veins, is the ancestor of our humble supermarket lettuce (Lactuca sativa) !

Golden Dogstail

Lamarckia aurea

Lamárquia dourada
Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Angled Pea

Lathyrus angulatus

Cizarão de folha estreita
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Note the large seed pod on the right.

Note the pairs of lanceolate leaflets and branched tendrils.

Red Vetchling

Lathyrus cicera

Araca; Chícharo branco
Peak Flowering Period: March to May


French lavender

Lavandula stoechas

Cabeçuda; Rosmaninho; Arçã
Peak Flowering Period: February to June






Small Tree Mallow

Lavatera cretica

Malva alta
Peak Flowering Period: March to July






Lesser Hawkbit

Leontodon taraxacoides

Leituga dos montes

Peak Flowering Period: February to July



Autumn Snowflake

Leucojum autumnale

Campainhas do outono
Peak Flowering Period: August to November



Amethyst Toadflax

Linaria amethystea

Esporas bravas

Peak Flowering Period: January to May




Ballast Toadflax

Linaria spartea

Ansarina dos campos
Peak Flowering Period: February to July

Pale Flax

Linum bienne

Linho bravo; Linho de inverno
Peak Flowering Period: February to June

Coimbra Trefoil

Lotus conimbricensis

Loto de coimbra
Peak Flowering Period: March to June



Bird's-foot Trefoil

Lotus corniculatus

Peak Flowering Period: March to August

Small-flowered Birdsfoot Trefoil

Lotus parviflorus

Loto de flor miúda
Peak Flowering Period: April to June






Narrow-leaved Lupin

Lupinus angustifolius

Tremoço bravo
Peak Flowering Period: February to May



Characteristically narrow leaves.

Seed pods.



Very upright growth habit.



Yellow Lupin

Lupinus luteus

Tremoceiro amarelo
Native plant. But also planted to provide a green manure for our Olive Grove. Peak Flowering Period: March to June





Some plants have Orange flowers.

Yellow Lupin plants sown as seeds in our Olive Grove to provide a green manure. Lupins have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules, a trait typical to pea family species.



Yellow Lupins in flower in the Olive Grove.





Hairy Lupin

Lupinus micranthus

Tremoço hirsuto

Peak Flowering Period: March to May

Spanish Mallow

Malva hispanica

Malva de espanha
Peak Flowering Period: April to July


Least Mallow

Malva parviflora

Malva de flor pequena
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The flowers are very small compared to the rather vigorous foliage.








Toothed Medick

Medicago polymorpha

Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Mentha pulegium

Hortelâ pimenta mansa
Peak Flowering Period: June to September

Round-leaved Mint

Mentha suaveolens

Mentastro, Hortelã brava
Peak Flowering Period: June to September

Note the wrinkled leaf surface, typical of this species.





Annual Mercury

Mercurialis ambigua


Peak Flowering Period: All Year



Meadow Saffron

Merendera filifolia

Quita merenda

Peak Flowering Period: September to November



Pale Lesser Snapdragon

Misopates calycinum
Peak Flowering Period: March to July

Lesser Snapdragon

Misopates orontium

Focinho de rato
Peak Flowering Period: March to July




Tassel Grape Hyacinth

Muscari comosum

Jacinto das searas; Cebolinho de flor azul
Peak Flowering Period: March to May




Jersey Forget-me-not

Myosotis debilis

Não tem
Peak Flowering Period: April to June

The Jersey Forget-me-not grows in wet meadows, river banks, pond edges and temporary pools. A water-loving plant.

The flowers of this Forget-me-not are tiny.



The Jersey Forget-me-not is endemic to the Mediterranean basin. It is found in Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Algeria.

Spiked Water Milfoil

Myriophyllum spicatum

Pinheirinha da água
Peak Flowering Period: May to November


Hoop Petticoat Narcissus

Narcissus bulbocodium

Campainhas amarelas
Peak Flowering Period: January to April

Photo showing the Narcissus growing in winterbourne stream.






Jonquil Narcissus

Narcissus jonquilla

Peak Flowering Period: February to April


Paperwhite Daffodil

Narcissus papyraceus

Narciso de inverno
Peak Flowering Period: January to March



Autumn Narcissus

Narcissus serotinus

Narciso do outono

Peak Flowering Period: September to November


This species is a "Near Threatened" plant in Portugal



Portuguese Catmint

Nepeta multibracteata

Nêveda ramosa
Peak Flowering Period: May to July

The English common name used here is a translation of an alternate (synonym) Latin binomial name, Nepeta lusitanica, meaning Portuguese Catmint. Lusitanica was the Roman name for Portugal. This species also occurs in Spain, Morocco and Algeria.

The Latin binomial name refers to the many flower bracts.





Nerium oleander

Loendro ; Cevadilha
Peak Flowering Period: February to March and May to August


Hemlock Water-Dropwort

Oenanthe crocata

Embude, Prego do diabo
Peak Flowering Period: March to July


Luxuriant and vigorous leaf growth.



This species of umbellifer is water-loving and lives in our river.




Cat-Claw Rest-Harrow

Ononis cintrana

Unha gata; Unha gata de Sintra; Rilha boi
Peak Flowering Period: April to June



The common English name used here is a translation of one of the Portuguese common names, Unha gata, which means Cat Claw.

Spiny Restharrow

Ononis spinosa

Peak Flowering Period: April to July



Green-winged Orchid

Orchis morio

Erva do salepo
Peak Flowering Period: March to May



Basal leaves.

Star of Bethlehem

Ornithogalum orthophyllum

Leite de galinha
Peak Flowering Period: February to May

Star of Bethlehem flowers with a Crab Spider.



Compressed Bird's-Foot

Ornithopus compressus

Serradela amarela
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The flowers of this member of the Pea family are very small. Just 5-8mm.

The leaves are produced in 7-18 pairs of leaflets.


The seed pods have a characteristic curved shape and are much larger than the flowers.



Common Broomrape

Orobanche minor


Peak Flowering Period: April to June

The Broomrapes are parasitic on the roots of other plants. This species usually attacks legumes, composites and umbellifers.





This Common broomrape is likely to be parasitising the roots of the yellow legume seen in the photograph.


Hemp Broomrape

Orobanche ramosa

Erva toira ramosa
Peak Flowering Period: February to May

Hemp Broomrape is a plant without any chlorophyll that lives by parasitising other plants to obtain all its food requirements.




Bermuda Buttercup

Oxalis pes-caprae

Trevo azedo
Peak Flowering Period: November to April

This is an exotic species that was introduced to Portugal.



This leaf shape is typical of Oxalis.

Long-headed Poppy

Papaver dubium

Papoila longa
Peak Flowering Period: March to June





Long-headed Poppies are orange in colour.



Rough Poppy

Papaver hybridum

Papoila ouricada; Papoila peluda
Peak Flowering Period: March to May

Rough Poppies have much smaller flowers than Long-headed Poppies and they are a deep red colour.


Common Poppy

Papaver rhoeas

Peak Flowering Period: March to March to July




Yellow Bartsia

Parentucellia viscosa 

Erva peganhenta
Peak Flowering Period: April to June

Yellow Bartsia is a semi-parasitic plant. It has root-like organs known as haustoria that it uses to obtain nutrients from the roots of other species of plant. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family.





Group of Yellow bartsia plants.

Meadow drift including Yellow Bartsia.


Silver Paronychia

Paronychia argentea

Erva prata; Erva dos unheiros
Peak Flowering Period: February to June

Blue Canarygrass

Phalaris coerulescens

Alpista azulada
Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Lesser Canarygrass

Phalaris minor

Alpista menor
Peak Flowering Period: March to June




Phlomis lychnitis

Salva brava
Peak Flowering Period: April to June





Buck's-Horn Plantain

Plantago coronopus

Peak Flowering Period: March to July








Hare's Foot Plantain

Plantago lagopus

Orelha de lebre
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Leaves of Hare's Foot Plantain.

Ribwort Plantain

Plantago lanceolate

Corrijó, Língua de ovelha
Peak Flowering Period: March to July



Jersey Cudweed

Pseudognaphalium luteo-album

Perpétua brava

Peak Flowering Period: February to October

Spanish False Fleabane

Pulicaria paludosa

Mata pulgas

Peak Flowering Period: April to October


Jersey Buttercup

Ranunculus paludosus

Ranúnculo dos charcos
Peak Flowering Period: February to May





Pond Water-Crowfoot

Ranunculus peltatus

Ranúnculo aquático

Aquatic Plant. Peak Flowering Period: February to May

This aquatic plant has submerged and floating leaves. This photograph shows the long, flowing submerged leaves (when water level is higher).

This photo shows both the floating leaves at the surface and the long, filamentous submerged leaves under the water.




The Pond Water-Crowfoot is a member of the Buttercup family.






Wild Radish

Raphanus raphanistrum

Peak Flowering Period: January to June


Bastard Cabbage

Rapistrum rugosum

Peak Flowering Period: February to June



Weld or Dyer's Rocket

Reseda luteola

Lírio dos tintureiros
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Crocus-leaved Romulea

Romulea bulbocodium

Peak Flowering Period: January to April




Sheep's Sorrel

Rumex acetosella

Erva azeda
Peak Flowering Period: March to July

The basal lobes of the leaves characteristically turn upwards.



Red Dock

Rumex bucephalophorus

Peak Flowering Period: February to June





Northern Dock

Rumex longifolius

Labaça comprida

Peak Flowering Period: ??? May

A tall plant - up to 120cm (4 feet).



It is presumed that the Northern Dock is native to Portugal.

Fiddle Dock

Rumex pulcher

Labaça sinuosa
Peak Flowering Period: February to July




Salvia rosmarinus

Peak Flowering Period: October to June



Mediterranean Salad Burnet

Sanguisorba verrucosa

Pimpinela menor
Peak Flowering Period: March to July





Sweet Scabious

Scabiosa atropurpurea

Saudades roxas; Suspiros; Suspiros roxos
Peak Flowering Period: April to July






Common Club-Rush

Schoenoplectus lacustris

Peak Flowering Period: April to September



Autumn Squill

Scilla autumnalis

Cila de outubro
Peak Flowering Period: August to November



Round-headed Club-Rush

Scirpoides holoschoenus

Peak Flowering Period: April to August




Old seed heads.




Scorpion Plant

Scorpiurus muricatus

Cornilhão pequeno
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Note coiled seed pod on centre left of photograph.



Note coiled seed pod on bottom right of photograph - which supposedly resembles a caterpillar.


Caterpillar Plant

Scorpiurus vermiculatus

Cornilhão esponjoso
Peak Flowering Period: March to June



The resemblance of this plant's seed pod to a Caterpillar gives it its English common name.

Common Ragwort

Senecio jacobaea

Erva de são tiago; Tasna
Peak Flowering Period: May to September

Common Ragwort flowers are an important nectar source for butterflies such as Small Coppers.

Cinnabar Moth caterpillars feeding on Common Ragwort. These caterpillars become toxic to other animals when they eat the poisonous ragwort plants which gives them protection from predators.



Common Ragwort covered in red mites which feed on the flowers.




Senecio vulgaris

Peak Flowering Period: December to April



Seed head of Groundsel. The seeds will be dispersed by the wind or any animals brushing past the plant.


Tongue Orchid

Serapias strictiflora

Erva língua constrita

Peak Flowering Period: March to May

Creamy-yellow variety.





Field Madder

Sherardia arvensis

Granza dos campos
Peak Flowering Period: February to June





Mediterranean Catchfly

Silene colorata

Silene rosada
Peak Flowering Period: February to May

Small-flowered Catchfly

Silene gallica

Erva mel; Nariz de zorra
Peak Flowering Period: March to June



Black Nightshade

Solanum nigrum

Erva moira
Peak Flowering Period: All Year Round


Common Sow-Thistle

Sonchus oleraceus

Serralha branca
Peak Flowering Period: January to September

Smooth Sow-Thistle

Sonchus tenerrimus


Peak Flowering Period: February to August



Bee collecting pollen from Smooth Sow-Thistle flower.


Corn Spurrey

Spergula arvensis


Peak Flowering Period: October to July



Purple Sand Spurrey

Spergularia purpurea

Sapinho roxo
Peak Flowering Period: March to July



Field Woundwort

Stachys arvensis

Rabo de raposa
Peak Flowering Period: January to May


Lesser Shepherdscress

Teesdalia coronopifolia

Assembleias pequenas


Peak Flowering Period: December to May



Villous Deadly Carrot

Thapsia villosa


Peak Flowering Period: April to June









Southern Deadly Carrot

Thapsia transtagana

Tápsia de folha estreita
Peak Flowering Period: March to May











European Umbrella Milkwort

Tolpis barbata

Olhos de mocho
Peak Flowering Period: March to July

Spreading Hedgeparsley

Torilis arvensis

Peak Flowering Period: April to July

Narrow-leaved Crimson Clover

Trifolium angustifolium

Trevo massaroco, Rabo de gato
Peak Flowering Period: April to July



Hare's-Foot Clover

Trifolium arvense

Pé de lebre; Trevo branco
Peak Flowering Period: March to July




Hop Trefoil

Trifolium campestre

Trevo amarelo
Peak Flowering Period: March to July

Clustered Clover

Trifolium glomeratum

Peak Flowering Period: April to July






White Clover

Trifolium repens

Trevo branco
Peak Flowering Period: March to July



Reversed Clover

Trifolium resupinatum

Trevo da pérsia; Trevo de flores reviradas
Peak Flowering Period: March to June

The English name is based on the fact that the flowers are reversed, that is to say upside down when compared to other species of clover.



Starry Clover

Trifolium stellatum

Trevo estrelado

Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Arrowleaf Clover

Trifolium vesiculosum

Trevo vesiculoso

Peak Flowering Period: April to July



This species is not Native to Portugal. It is an introduced Exotic species.



Diagnostic White 'W'-shaped marking on pointed, arrow-shaped, leaves.

Spotted Rock Rose

Tuberaria guttata


Peak Flowering Period: March to June



The flowers of the Spotted Rock Rose are highly variable. These flowers have very small spots at the base of the petals.

All these flowers are Spotted Rock Rose.


Spotted Rock Rose among variety of other flower species.





Lesser Bulrush

Typha angustifolia

Tábua estreita

Peak Flowering Period: April to July

Inflorescence of Male Flowers (above the female flowers).

Inflorescence of Female Flowers (below the male flowers).

Lesser Bulrushes with Male and Female flowers.

Southern Cattail

Typha domingensis

Tábua estreita

Peak Flowering Period: March to August

Silvery Gorse

Ulex argenteus

Tojo prateado
Peak Flowering Period: November to April



Iberian Gorse

Ulex australis welwitschianus

Tojo Ibérico ?
Peak Flowering Period: December to April



This sub-species is Endemic to Portugal.



Iberian Navelwort

(I could find no English common name and so have used this name as this species is found mostly in Iberia)

Umbilicus heylandianus

Sombreirinhos dos telhados
Peak Flowering Period: April to July








Umbilicus rupestris

Umbigo de vénus
Peak Flowering Period: March to July

Navelwort typically grows in rocks and old walls.



Navelwort growing on top of Windmill ruin.



Sea Squill

Urginea maritima

Cebola albarrã
Peak Flowering Period: August to October









Prickly Goldenfleece

Urospermum picroides

Leituga de burro

Peak Flowering Period: February to July



Purple Vetch

Vicia benghalensis

Ervilhaca vermelha

Peak Flowering Period: March to June

Yellow Vetch

Vicia lutea

Ervilhaca amarela 

Peak Flowering Period: February to July



Common Vetch

Vicia sativa

Ervilhaca mansa; Ervilhaca comum

Peak Flowering Period: February to July



Seed pod.








Flower Species List :



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