Species |
Notes |
Photographs |
Photographs |
Photographs |
Wild Leek
Allium ampeloprasum
Alho-de-verão; Alho-inglês; Chalotas |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Stem and basal leaves. |
Moroccan Garlic
Allium massaessylum
Alho de marrocos |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Leaves and Stem. |
Belladonna Lily
Amaryllis belladonna
Açucena |
Peak Flowering Period: August to October |
An exotic species from Southern Africa. |
Roundheaded Leek
Allium sphaerocephalon
Alho bravo |
Peak Flowering Period: May to July |
Scarlet Pimpernel
Anagallis arvensis
Morrião dos campos |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The common Red form of Scarlet Pimpernel. |
Red and Blue forms growing side by side. |
Blue form. |
Rarer Blue form. |
Red and blue forms growing together. |
Blue form. |
Shrubby Pimpernel
Anagallis monelli
Morrião grande |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Daisy-leaved Toadflax
Anarrhinum bellidifolium
Samacalo |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Undulate Alkanet
Anchusa undulata
Buglossa ondulada; Língua de vaca ondeada |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Limestone Lettuce
Andryala integrifolia
Alface dos calcários; Tripa de ovelha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
The English common name used here is based on one of the many Portuguese common names, Alface dos calcários, which means Limestone Lettuce. |
Yellow Anemone
Anemone palmata
Anémona, Flor do vento |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Basal Leaves. |
Mouse Plant
Arisarum simorrhinum
Candeias |
Peak Flowering Period: October to February |
Green-flowered Birthwort
Aristolochia paucinervis
Erva bicha |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Giant Reed
Arundo donax
Cana |
Invasive Alien. The status of this plant in the reserve is under consideration and the plants may be removed if they are thought to be a threat. Peak Flowering Period: August to October |
The Giant reed is an exotic species that has been introduced to Portugal. |
Greater Asparagus
Asparagus aphyllus
Espargo bravo |
Peak Flowering Period: May to November |
Common Asphodel
Asphodelus aestivus
Abrótea de verão |
Peak Flowering Period: March to August |
Yellow Milk Vetch
Astragalus boeticus
Serradela bética |
Peak Flowering Period: January to May |
Saltmarsh Aster
Aster squamatus
Mata jornaleiros |
Peak Flowering Period: May to December
Invasive Alien. |
Slender Oat
Avena barbata
Balanco bravo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Lesser Water Plantain
Baldellia repens
Baldélia ranunculada |
Peak Flowering Period: March to October |
Mediterranean Linseed
Bartsia trixago (Bellardia trixago)
Flor de ouro |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
The flowers can also be yellow. |
Mediterranean Linseed is a semi-parasitic plant. It can obtain water nutrients from the roots of other species of plant, especially various grasses. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family. |
Mediterranean Linseed
Bartsia trixago (Bellardia trixago)
Flor de ouro |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
The flowers can also be yellow. |
Mediterranean Linseed is a semi-parasitic plant. It can obtain water nutrients from the roots of other species of plant, especially various grasses. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family. |
Narrow-leaved Biarum
Biarum tenuifolium arundanum
Jarro clandestino |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Sea Club-Rush
Bolboschoenus maritimus
Junça maritima |
Peak Flowering Period: March to September |
Field Mustard
Brassica rapa
Mostada |
Peak Flowering Period: January to ? |
Large Quaking Grass
Briza maxima
Bole bole maior |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Barley Brome
Bromus hordeaceus
Bromo cevada |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Red Bromegrass
Bromus rubens
Bromo avermelhado |
Peak Flowering Period: April to May |
Bromus tectorum
Bromo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Field Marigold
Calendula arvensis
Erva vaqueira |
Peak Flowering Period: November to April |
Field Marigold growing on top of Windmill Ruin. |
Portuguese Bellflower
Campanula lusitanica
Campainhas |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Rampion Bellflower
Campanula rapunculus
Campainhas rabanete; Campânula |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Slender Thistle
Carduus tenuiflorus
Cardo azul |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Racemose Carline Thistle
Carlina racemosa
Cardo amarelo anual |
Peak Flowering Period: June to September |
Common Centaury
Centaurium erythraea
Centáurea comum; Fel da terra |
Peak Flowering Period: April to August |
Mouse-ear Chickweed
Cerastium glomeratum
Orelha de rato |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Dusky Dogfennel
Chamaemelum fuscatum
Margaça de inverno |
Peak Flowering Period: November to April |
Dusky Dogfennel
Chamaemelum fuscatum
Margaça de inverno |
Peak Flowering Period: November to April |
Moroccan Chamomile
Chamaemelum mixtum
Margaça |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Crown Daisy
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Pampilho, Palmequer |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Common Chicory
Cichorium intybus
Chicória |
Peak Flowering Period: April to August |
Nettle-leaved Goosefoot
Chenopodiastrum murale
Pé de ganso |
Peak Flowering Period: November to September |
Crispus Rockrose
Cistus crispus
Roselha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
Gum Cistus
Cistus ladanifer
Esteva |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
A few Gum Cistus plants on the reserve lack the crimson spots at the base of the petals that the majority of the Gum Cistus flowers have. |
A crimson-sptted Gum Cistus growing next to an all white Gum Cistus. |
Sage-leaved Cistus
Cistus salviifolius
Saganho mouro |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Flower buds and flowers. |
Corn Marigold
Coleostephus myconis
Olhos de boi |
Field Bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis
Corriola campestre |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Note the Red Velvet Mite on the flower. |
This plant, native to Europe and Asia, was introduced to America in around 1739. It has since become a significant alien invasive plant that causes substantial crop losses to farmers there. |
Also known as a Morning Glory it is a climbing or creeping herbaceous perennial. |
Guernsey Fleabane
Conyza sumatrensis
Avoadinha marfim |
Peak Flowering Period: April to November
Introduced Alien Species |
Beaked Hawksbeard
Crepis vesicaria
Almeiroa |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June
Introduced Alien Species |
Wild Thistle
Cynara humilis
Alcachofra de São João |
Peak Flowering Period: March to August |
Dessicated flower head (fallen horizontal). |
Developing flower spikes of this thistle species. |
Developing flower spikes. |
Umbrella Sedge
Cyperus eragrostis
Junção |
Peak Flowering Period: March to September |
An Exotic species originally from the U.S.A. As such we will monitor the plant to ensure it does not become invasive. |
Common Galingale
Cyperus longus
Junça de cheiro |
Peak Flowering Period: April to August |
Yellow Cytinus
Cytinus hypocistis
Amareladas |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Flax-leaved Daphne
Daphne gnidium
Trovisco; Gorreiro; Lauréola macha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to November |
Wild Carrot
Daucus carota
Cenoura brava |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Compound umbel. |
Flower spike before flowers have opened. |
Brown Bluebell
Dipcadi serotinum
Jacinto da tarde |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Yellow Fleabane
Dittrichia viscosa
Tágueda |
Peak Flowering Period: July to November |
Purple Viper's Bugloss
Echium plantagineum
Soagem |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Common Spikerush
Eleocharis palustris
Eleocare dos charcos; Junco marreco |
Peak Flowering Period: March to August |
Greater Willowherb
Epilobium hirsutum
Erva dos estolhos; Epilóbio eriçado |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Longbeak Stork's-bill
Erodium botrys
Agulheta |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Showing characteristically lobed, but not pinnately lobed, leaves. |
Showing very long fruits - the "Stork's Bills". |
Showing flowers and Stork's bill-shaped seed heads. |
Common Stork's-bill
Erodium cicutarium
Bico de Cegonha |
Peak Flowering Period: February to April |
Showing characteristically pinnate leaves. |
Iberian Milk Vetch
Erophaca baetica
Alfavaca dos montes |
Peak Flowering Period: December to May |
Sweet Fennel
Foeniculum vulgare
Fiolho |
Peak Flowering Period: March to September |
Field Fumitory
Fumaria agraria
Fumária dos campos |
Peak Flowering Period: December to June |
Purple Milk Thistle
Galactites tomentosus
Cardo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Galium aparine
Amor de hortelão |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
| |
Lesser Gorse
Genista triacanthos
Tojo menor |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The Lesser Gorse (a type of Broom) is Endemic to Iberia and North-West Morocco. |
This small shrub is typically found in areas with Cork and Iberian Holm Oaks/Montado. |
Cut-leaved Crane's-Bill
Geranium dissectum
Coentrinho |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Finely cut leaves. |
Dove's-Foot Cranes-Bill
Geranium molle
Bico de pomba |
Peak Flowering Period: January to June |
Fruits - "Crane's Bills". |
Field Gladiolus
Gladiolus italicus
Gladíolo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Corn Daisy
Glebionis segetum
Pampilho das searas |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
An exotic species introduced from Eastern Europe. |
Barbary Nut
Gynandriris sisyrhynchium
Pé de burro |
Peak Flowering Period: February to April |
The flowers of the Barbary Nut only open late in the morning/early afternoon. |
Spotted Yellow Sun Rose
Halimium halimifolium
Sargaça das areias |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
| |
Scaly Hawkbit
Hedypnois cretica
Alface de Creta
| Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Gold Everlasting
Helichrysum stoechas
Perpétuas das areias |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Red Mites are present non the flower heads. |
Common Heliotrope
Heliotropium europaeum
Verrucária; Tornassol com pêlos; Erva das verrugas |
Peak Flowering Period: March to October |
Mouse Barley
Hordeum murinum
Cevada dos ratos |
Peak Flowering Period: March to October |
Gecko-Foot Kidney Vetch
Hymenocarpos lotoides
Patinha de osga; Albaida |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The English common name used here is based on the Portuguese common name, Patinha de osga, meaning Gecko-Foot (small gecko foot). |
Trailing St John's-Wort
Hypericum humifusum
Erva das mil Folhinhas |
Peak Flowering Period: March to September |
Flax-leaved St John's-Wort
Hypericum linariifolium
Hipericão estriado; Pelicão |
Peak Flowering Period: May to July |
The sepals have stalked black glands. Sepals are individual segments of the calyx. |
Illecebrum verticillatum
Aranhões; Erva sanguinha |
Peak Flowering Period: March to September |
Common Morning Glory
Ipomoea indica
Glória da manhã |
Peak Flowering Period: February to October |
This species is an invasive alien. It will be monitored and, if necessary, erdicated before it can become a pest on the reserve. |
Bearded Iris
Iris germanica
Lírio Germânico |
Peak Flowering Period: February to April |
This is an exotic species that has been introduced in some areas in Portugal. |
Sheep's bit scabious
Jasione Montana
Botão azul |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Sharp-flowered Rush
Juncus acutiflorus
Junco de flor aguda |
Peak Flowering Period: May to August |
Soft Rush
Juncus effusus
Junco solto |
Peak Flowering Period: May to August |
Two-leaved Rush
Juncus heterophyllus
Junco de folhas variadas |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Prickly Lettuce
Lactuca serriola
Alface brava |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Amazingly this plant, which can grow to 2m tall and has large spines on its leaf veins, is the ancestor of our humble supermarket lettuce (Lactuca sativa) ! |
Golden Dogstail
Lamarckia aurea
Lamárquia dourada |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Angled Pea
Lathyrus angulatus
Cizarão de folha estreita |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Note the large seed pod on the right. |
Note the pairs of lanceolate leaflets and branched tendrils. |
Red Vetchling
Lathyrus cicera
Araca; Chícharo branco |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
French lavender
Lavandula stoechas
Cabeçuda; Rosmaninho; Arçã |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Small Tree Mallow
Lavatera cretica
Malva alta |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Lesser Hawkbit
Leontodon taraxacoides
Leituga dos montes |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Autumn Snowflake
Leucojum autumnale
Campainhas do outono |
Peak Flowering Period: August to November |
Amethyst Toadflax
Linaria amethystea
Esporas bravas |
Peak Flowering Period: January to May |
Ballast Toadflax
Linaria spartea
Ansarina dos campos |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Pale Flax
Linum bienne
Linho bravo; Linho de inverno |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Coimbra Trefoil
Lotus conimbricensis
Loto de coimbra |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Bird's-foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
Cornichão |
Peak Flowering Period: March to August |
Small-flowered Birdsfoot Trefoil
Lotus parviflorus
Loto de flor miúda |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
Narrow-leaved Lupin
Lupinus angustifolius
Tremoço bravo |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Characteristically narrow leaves. |
Seed pods. |
Very upright growth habit. |
Yellow Lupin
Lupinus luteus
Tremoceiro amarelo |
Native plant. But also planted to provide a green manure for our Olive Grove. Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Some plants have Orange flowers. |
Yellow Lupin plants sown as seeds in our Olive Grove to provide a green manure. Lupins have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules, a trait typical to pea family species. |
Yellow Lupins in flower in the Olive Grove. |
Hairy Lupin
Lupinus micranthus
Tremoço hirsuto |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Spanish Mallow
Malva hispanica
Malva de espanha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Least Mallow
Malva parviflora
Malva de flor pequena |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The flowers are very small compared to the rather vigorous foliage. |
Leaf. |
Toothed Medick
Medicago polymorpha
Carrapiço |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Mentha pulegium
Hortelâ pimenta mansa |
Peak Flowering Period: June to September |
Round-leaved Mint
Mentha suaveolens
Mentastro, Hortelã brava |
Peak Flowering Period: June to September |
Note the wrinkled leaf surface, typical of this species. |
Annual Mercury
Mercurialis ambigua
Barradoiro |
Peak Flowering Period: All Year |
Meadow Saffron
Merendera filifolia
Quita merenda |
Peak Flowering Period: September to November |
Pale Lesser Snapdragon
Misopates calycinum |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Lesser Snapdragon
Misopates orontium
Focinho de rato |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Tassel Grape Hyacinth
Muscari comosum
Jacinto das searas; Cebolinho de flor azul |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Jersey Forget-me-not
Myosotis debilis
Não tem |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
The Jersey Forget-me-not grows in wet meadows, river banks, pond edges and temporary pools. A water-loving plant. |
The flowers of this Forget-me-not are tiny. |
The Jersey Forget-me-not is endemic to the Mediterranean basin. It is found in Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Algeria. |
Spiked Water Milfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum
Pinheirinha da água |
Peak Flowering Period: May to November |
Hoop Petticoat Narcissus
Narcissus bulbocodium
Campainhas amarelas |
Peak Flowering Period: January to April |
Photo showing the Narcissus growing in winterbourne stream. |
Jonquil Narcissus
Narcissus jonquilla
Junquilho |
Peak Flowering Period: February to April |
Paperwhite Daffodil
Narcissus papyraceus
Narciso de inverno |
Peak Flowering Period: January to March |
Autumn Narcissus
Narcissus serotinus
Narciso do outono |
Peak Flowering Period: September to November
This species is a "Near Threatened" plant in Portugal |
Portuguese Catmint
Nepeta multibracteata
Nêveda ramosa |
Peak Flowering Period: May to July |
The English common name used here is a translation of an alternate (synonym) Latin binomial name, Nepeta lusitanica, meaning Portuguese Catmint. Lusitanica was the Roman name for Portugal. This species also occurs in Spain, Morocco and Algeria. |
The Latin binomial name refers to the many flower bracts. |
Nerium oleander
Loendro ; Cevadilha |
Peak Flowering Period: February to March and May to August |
Hemlock Water-Dropwort
Oenanthe crocata
Embude, Prego do diabo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Luxuriant and vigorous leaf growth. |
This species of umbellifer is water-loving and lives in our river. |
Cat-Claw Rest-Harrow
Ononis cintrana
Unha gata; Unha gata de Sintra; Rilha boi |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
The common English name used here is a translation of one of the Portuguese common names, Unha gata, which means Cat Claw. |
Spiny Restharrow
Ononis spinosa
Gatunha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Green-winged Orchid
Orchis morio
Erva do salepo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Basal leaves. |
Star of Bethlehem
Ornithogalum orthophyllum
Leite de galinha |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Star of Bethlehem flowers with a Crab Spider. |
Compressed Bird's-Foot
Ornithopus compressus
Serradela amarela |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The flowers of this member of the Pea family are very small. Just 5-8mm. |
The leaves are produced in 7-18 pairs of leaflets. |
The seed pods have a characteristic curved shape and are much larger than the flowers. |
Common Broomrape
Orobanche minor
Orobanca |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
The Broomrapes are parasitic on the roots of other plants. This species usually attacks legumes, composites and umbellifers. |
This Common broomrape is likely to be parasitising the roots of the yellow legume seen in the photograph. |
Hemp Broomrape
Orobanche ramosa
Erva toira ramosa |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Hemp Broomrape is a plant without any chlorophyll that lives by parasitising other plants to obtain all its food requirements. |
Bermuda Buttercup
Oxalis pes-caprae
Trevo azedo |
Peak Flowering Period: November to April |
This is an exotic species that was introduced to Portugal. |
This leaf shape is typical of Oxalis. |
Long-headed Poppy
Papaver dubium
Papoila longa |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Long-headed Poppies are orange in colour. |
Rough Poppy
Papaver hybridum
Papoila ouricada; Papoila peluda |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Rough Poppies have much smaller flowers than Long-headed Poppies and they are a deep red colour. |
Common Poppy
Papaver rhoeas
Papoila |
Peak Flowering Period: March to March to July |
Yellow Bartsia
Parentucellia viscosa
Erva peganhenta |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
Yellow Bartsia is a semi-parasitic plant. It has root-like organs known as haustoria that it uses to obtain nutrients from the roots of other species of plant. As it is a green plant with chlorophyll, it is also able to make its own food using photosynthesis. It is a member of the broomrape family. |
Group of Yellow bartsia plants. |
Meadow drift including Yellow Bartsia. |
Silver Paronychia
Paronychia argentea
Erva prata; Erva dos unheiros |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Blue Canarygrass
Phalaris coerulescens
Alpista azulada |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Lesser Canarygrass
Phalaris minor
Alpista menor |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Phlomis lychnitis
Salva brava |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
Buck's-Horn Plantain
Plantago coronopus
Diabelha |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Hare's Foot Plantain
Plantago lagopus
Orelha de lebre |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Leaves of Hare's Foot Plantain. |
Ribwort Plantain
Plantago lanceolate
Corrijó, Língua de ovelha |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Jersey Cudweed
Pseudognaphalium luteo-album
Perpétua brava |
Peak Flowering Period: February to October |
Spanish False Fleabane
Pulicaria paludosa
Mata pulgas |
Peak Flowering Period: April to October |
Jersey Buttercup
Ranunculus paludosus
Ranúnculo dos charcos |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Pond Water-Crowfoot
Ranunculus peltatus
Ranúnculo aquático |
Aquatic Plant. Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
This aquatic plant has submerged and floating leaves. This photograph shows the long, flowing submerged leaves (when water level is higher). |
This photo shows both the floating leaves at the surface and the long, filamentous submerged leaves under the water. |
The Pond Water-Crowfoot is a member of the Buttercup family. |
Wild Radish
Raphanus raphanistrum
Saramago |
Peak Flowering Period: January to June |
Bastard Cabbage
Rapistrum rugosum
Aneixa |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Weld or Dyer's Rocket
Reseda luteola
Lírio dos tintureiros |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Crocus-leaved Romulea
Romulea bulbocodium
Nosilha |
Peak Flowering Period: January to April |
Sheep's Sorrel
Rumex acetosella
Erva azeda |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
The basal lobes of the leaves characteristically turn upwards. |
Red Dock
Rumex bucephalophorus
Catacuzes |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Northern Dock
Rumex longifolius
Labaça comprida |
Peak Flowering Period: ??? May |
A tall plant - up to 120cm (4 feet). |
It is presumed that the Northern Dock is native to Portugal. |
Fiddle Dock
Rumex pulcher
Labaça sinuosa |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Salvia rosmarinus
Alecrim |
Peak Flowering Period: October to June |
Mediterranean Salad Burnet
Sanguisorba verrucosa
Pimpinela menor |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Sweet Scabious
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Saudades roxas; Suspiros; Suspiros roxos |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Common Club-Rush
Schoenoplectus lacustris
Bunho |
Peak Flowering Period: April to September |
Autumn Squill
Scilla autumnalis
Cila de outubro |
Peak Flowering Period: August to November |
Round-headed Club-Rush
Scirpoides holoschoenus
Bunho |
Peak Flowering Period: April to August |
Flowers. |
Old seed heads. |
Scorpion Plant
Scorpiurus muricatus
Cornilhão pequeno |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Note coiled seed pod on centre left of photograph. |
Note coiled seed pod on bottom right of photograph - which supposedly resembles a caterpillar. |
Caterpillar Plant
Scorpiurus vermiculatus
Cornilhão esponjoso |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The resemblance of this plant's seed pod to a Caterpillar gives it its English common name. |
Common Ragwort
Senecio jacobaea
Erva de são tiago; Tasna |
Peak Flowering Period: May to September |
Common Ragwort flowers are an important nectar source for butterflies such as Small Coppers. |
Cinnabar Moth caterpillars feeding on Common Ragwort. These caterpillars become toxic to other animals when they eat the poisonous ragwort plants which gives them protection from predators. |
Common Ragwort covered in red mites which feed on the flowers. |
Senecio vulgaris
Tasneirinha |
Peak Flowering Period: December to April |
Seed head of Groundsel. The seeds will be dispersed by the wind or any animals brushing past the plant. |
Tongue Orchid
Serapias strictiflora
Erva língua constrita |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
Creamy-yellow variety. |
Field Madder
Sherardia arvensis
Granza dos campos |
Peak Flowering Period: February to June |
Mediterranean Catchfly
Silene colorata
Silene rosada |
Peak Flowering Period: February to May |
Small-flowered Catchfly
Silene gallica
Erva mel; Nariz de zorra |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Black Nightshade
Solanum nigrum
Erva moira |
Peak Flowering Period: All Year Round |
Common Sow-Thistle
Sonchus oleraceus
Serralha branca |
Peak Flowering Period: January to September |
Smooth Sow-Thistle
Sonchus tenerrimus
Serralha |
Peak Flowering Period: February to August |
Bee collecting pollen from Smooth Sow-Thistle flower. |
Corn Spurrey
Spergula arvensis
Cassamelo |
Peak Flowering Period: October to July |
Purple Sand Spurrey
Spergularia purpurea
Sapinho roxo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Field Woundwort
Stachys arvensis
Rabo de raposa |
Peak Flowering Period: January to May |
Lesser Shepherdscress
Teesdalia coronopifolia
Assembleias pequenas
Peak Flowering Period: December to May |
Villous Deadly Carrot
Thapsia villosa
Canavoura |
Peak Flowering Period: April to June |
Southern Deadly Carrot
Thapsia transtagana
Tápsia de folha estreita |
Peak Flowering Period: March to May |
European Umbrella Milkwort
Tolpis barbata
Olhos de mocho |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Spreading Hedgeparsley
Torilis arvensis
Salsinha |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Narrow-leaved Crimson Clover
Trifolium angustifolium
Trevo massaroco, Rabo de gato |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Hare's-Foot Clover
Trifolium arvense
Pé de lebre; Trevo branco |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Hop Trefoil
Trifolium campestre
Trevo amarelo |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Clustered Clover
Trifolium glomeratum
Trevo |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
White Clover
Trifolium repens
Trevo branco |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Reversed Clover
Trifolium resupinatum
Trevo da pérsia; Trevo de flores reviradas |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The English name is based on the fact that the flowers are reversed, that is to say upside down when compared to other species of clover. |
Starry Clover
Trifolium stellatum
Trevo estrelado |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Arrowleaf Clover
Trifolium vesiculosum
Trevo vesiculoso |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
This species is not Native to Portugal. It is an introduced Exotic species. |
Diagnostic White 'W'-shaped marking on pointed, arrow-shaped, leaves. |
Spotted Rock Rose
Tuberaria guttata
Alcar |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
The flowers of the Spotted Rock Rose are highly variable. These flowers have very small spots at the base of the petals. |
All these flowers are Spotted Rock Rose.
Spotted Rock Rose among variety of other flower species. |
Lesser Bulrush
Typha angustifolia
Tábua estreita |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Inflorescence of Male Flowers (above the female flowers). |
Inflorescence of Female Flowers (below the male flowers). |
Lesser Bulrushes with Male and Female flowers. |
Southern Cattail
Typha domingensis
Tábua estreita |
Peak Flowering Period: March to August |
Silvery Gorse
Ulex argenteus
Tojo prateado |
Peak Flowering Period: November to April |
Iberian Gorse
Ulex australis welwitschianus
Tojo Ibérico ? |
Peak Flowering Period: December to April |
This sub-species is Endemic to Portugal. |
Iberian Navelwort
(I could find no English common name and so have used this name as this species is found mostly in Iberia)
Umbilicus heylandianus
Sombreirinhos dos telhados |
Peak Flowering Period: April to July |
Umbilicus rupestris
Umbigo de vénus |
Peak Flowering Period: March to July |
Navelwort typically grows in rocks and old walls. |
Navelwort growing on top of Windmill ruin. |
Sea Squill
Urginea maritima
Cebola albarrã |
Peak Flowering Period: August to October |
Prickly Goldenfleece
Urospermum picroides
Leituga de burro |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Purple Vetch
Vicia benghalensis
Ervilhaca vermelha |
Peak Flowering Period: March to June |
Yellow Vetch
Vicia lutea
Ervilhaca amarela |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Common Vetch
Vicia sativa
Ervilhaca mansa; Ervilhaca comum |
Peak Flowering Period: February to July |
Seed pod. |